Michael Whitney

Creative Strategies LLC, Partner (President, retired 2014)

Michael Whitney

Creative Strategies LLC, Partner (President, retired 2014)
Constant self-evaluation keeps you grounded and on target to make the most of opportunities.
Starting out as a 17 year old set-up man in an iron foundry in Cleveland, Ohio. Applied for and won a college scholarship for engineering. Completed a 4 year Mechanical Engineering curriculum at University of Notre Dame. Went on to work with so many smart and encouraging people in the machine tool industry over a 50 year period. I must have been born to be a participant in such a dynamic, ever changing industry. I always was learning about technology, applications, continuous improvement, and working with remarkable people.
Career Inspiration
So many individuals contributed to inspiring me to reach for excellence in whatever I felt was my career path. Each of those career stops needed to have a challenging aspect and opportunity for learning new skills in order to be worthwhile and engaging for me.
Career History
1963-1965 – Engineer for machine tool builder E.W Bliss Co.
1966-1970 – Field Sales Engineer for E.W. Bliss Co.
1970-1975 – Field Sales Engineer for machine tool distributor Luther and Pedersen
1975-1986 – V.P. Sales, Luther and Pedersen
1982-1986 – President of Tooling Systems Inc., subsidiary
1987-1988 – V.P. Sales, Alliant Machine Tool consortium
1987-1992 – President Rem Sales Inc.
1993-1998 – President Technical Equipment Sales
1998-2014 – Owner, Partner in establishing Creative Strategies LLC Consulting
1989-1993 – American Precision Museum, Board of Trustees
1963 – University of Notre Dame, Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
1970 – Western Michigan University, MBA in Finance
1990 – Yale School of Management, Advanced Management Studies
1997 – Xavier University, Facilitating Groups for Business Improvement
Various top salesman awards.