Welcome to the Manufacturing Ledger
The Manufacturing Ledger is an ever-growing, interactive exhibit filled with inspiring stories of men and women whose careers in manufacturing had a significant impact on our quality of life. Search the stories of manufacturers, machine tool builders, machine tool distributors, teachers, instructors, and industry advocates. Read how their careers inspired others and led to decades of innovation.
This Manufacturing Ledger aims to be the most diverse and complete record of lives spent innovating and moving our nation forward.

Machine Tool Hall of Fame
Read the profiles of the Machine Tool Hall of Fame members to learn more about the people behind the technology used for machining precision parts with consistency and in high-volumes.

Share a Story
Whose story do you want to share in The Manufacturing Ledger?
- A Family Member
- A Mentor
- A Colleague
- A Teacher
- An Employee
- Your Own

Lifetime Achievement
Search the profiles of those whose careers have earned them recognition as innovators and leaders in the manufacturing industry. The American Precision Museum has partnered with key industry associations, the AMT, PMPA, NTMA, and WIM to include their stories here, in The Manufacturing Ledger.
Be Inspired
Read the stories of the inventors who led the path for the American System of Manufacturing, with innovative machine tools that produced precision parts with a level of accuracy never seen before.